Silphium perfoliatum
English name(s):
Cup plant, Rosinweed, Indian cup
Family:  Asteraceae
One of the best cold-hardy native perennial plants for wildlife is the bold and stately Silphium perfoliatum. The leaves clasp around the stems forming water basins or "cups" which collect moisture. In the mid to late summer season, 2-3" yellow flowers are borne a top its 6-8'(10') square stems.
preference is for moist soil of various habitats: prairies, meadows, woodland edges ... and full or partial sun.
perfoliatum = through the leaf
Additional notes:
photographed at Cleveland Metropark--Garfield Park garden by Becca Zak
Plant identification
The Ohio State University Herbarium:
Summit County, 28 July 1958, collector:  Ervin M. Herrick voucher specimen
✿ view additional voucher specimens and related information
Newcomb's: Key Group no. 743, p. 392
Historical description:  An Illustrated Guide to the Flowering Plants, George T. Stevens, 1910
USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / USDA NRCS. Wetland flora: Field office illustrated guide to plant species. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
The flowers provide nectar and pollen for a variety of insects. When the flower heads mature, birds, especially goldfinches, descend upon the plants to devour the ripe seeds. The moisture-filled cups provide birds and insects with a source of water. The large, ample-sized leaves, up to 12" long, provide cover and shelter for wildlife.
virtual herbarium sheet 000010 created by Lisa K. SchlaG,