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Midweek Wildflower Walk: Kelsey Ravine, Geauga County


See the progression of spring through this annual series of Wednesday evening walks in six different locations during the months of April and May.

Walks begin at 6:30 pm.  Held rain or shine.
Registration has reached capacity and is now Closed for this Walk

Guests are always welcome

Registration is closed.



Naturalist Dan Best and CMNH staff lead this hike. Kelsey Ravine in Claridon Township is an incredibly diverse preserve, boasting upland forest, outstanding sandstone ledges and caves, with high-quality forested wetlands and seepage wetlands adjacent to the East Branch of the Cuyahoga River, of which the preserve contains nearly a half-mile of river frontage.

The diverse habitat at the site fosters a fascinating variety of plants, from ferns and sedges to spring wildflowers to enormous hemlocks lining the gorge the runs through the preserve; five state-listed rare plant species call Kelsey home, including long beech fern, floating pondweed, swamp red currant, Canada yew and hobblebush.

This preserve is not open to the public.

Only those registered will receive directions to the preserve. Carpooling is recommended.